
7 Tips for Your Landing Page Testimonials + Inspiration

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October 4, 2024
7 Tips for Your Landing Page Testimonials + Inspiration
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Every time someone comes to your website they may not know anything about your company or the services you offer.

Maybe they liked a post you posted or have seen you on Google Maps and want to know a little more by gossiping about your website, but when they get there, it's just a page explaining the services you provide and who you are, just like any other.

Testimonial Example sections according to Relume:

Ejemplos de Secciones de Testimonios según Relume

If we have our website, which we pay for, and in which we try to show the best of our company, shouldn't we also show what people like (possibly them), who needed to solve a problem and what they think?

1. Studies on Testimonials on your Website

There are numerous studies, many of them focused on USA, that show a reality about testimonials: they are very important and can make a lot of people go from doubting your website to buying thanks to them:

  • 74% of Americans say it's important to read online reviews posted by others who have purchased the item
  • Eight in ten Americans (82%) say they consult online ratings and reviews when buying something for the first time
  • 40% of Americans (about half of those under 50) indicate that they almost always turn to online reviews when buying something new
  • Nearly half of Americans believe that customer reviews help consumers feel “a lot” about their purchase.

Example of a different Testimonials Section:

Ejemplo de una Sección de Testimonios diferente:

2. What should my web testimonials be like?

So today we're going a little further and we're going to expose the tips to make your testimonials amazing and we'll focus not only on design, but also on marketing.

1. Make your testimonials “starred”.

We want people to directly associate the section as testimonials and not confuse it with another section, for this, we will add the typical stars, unmistakable that it is a review.Example of testimonials section in which the stars are clearly visible:

Ejemplo de sección de testimonios en que se ven nítidamente las estrellas:

2. Put pictures of people and their names (if they give you their consent, of course)

People want to buy things made by people and for people, the more we strive to express that our customers look like them and are people, with name, surname and face, the more we will create the feeling that we are a real company oriented to people like our future customers.

Example of how to show a testimonials section:

Ejemplo de cómo mostrar una sección de testimonios:

3. Videos, always videos

If we can get a video review, we will manage to offer a total closeness to our customers, to think that people have made the effort to make a video review and that even in addition to their words, we can see their gestures, their tones of voice and body language greatly increases the confidence that the potential customer will have regarding the business, apart from being in a very easy to consume mode (video vs text).

Example of testimonial section with video:

Ejemplo de sección de testimonios con vídeo:

4. Valuation oriented to your differential characteristic (value)

Many times, when we are asked to do a review we don't take the time to think or remember how to do it, a satisfied customer can tell us:

  • “Always in touch and responsive, I loved the way he was on top of it to move this forward“
  • ”He made us a beautiful website that we love to show to investors and future candidates, it has improved the image of the company tremendously“
  • ”He got us to sell 200% more in just 2 months after launching the website.”

As we can see, all of them can be true and, depending on what we are focused on, we will be interested in telling the customer something like this (if we are interested in 3, for example)

  • Could you give me a review on how your sales increased (as a percentage, not necessarily net) thanks to the new website?

This way, we will get a much more useful review and, at the same time, it will be much easier for the customer, since he knows what the review should be about, something that many people, for not having to think, postpone.

Example of a review section with a sliding section:

Ejemplo de una sección de reseñas con sección deslizante

5. Put reviews that identify with your customer

You can add some reviews around the typical problems your customers have and how other people like them were able to solve their problems.

This way, not only will you report on all the people happy with your service, but you will also tell what problems they had before they started working with you, a situation that many potential clients may be in now.

Example of large testimonial section with image on the side:

Ejemplo de sección de testimonio grande con imagen al costado:

6. Use different testimonials for each service

If we have our website is to customize it as much as possible, so when we elaborate the testimonials, we should use each service page as a different page where a customer can enter directly to solve their problem, in such a case, the testimonials should be the ones that most identify with the problems of that product, thus achieving a much more specific orientation for that service.

We try to offer a greater value to our customers, trying to understand them as well as possible and make them feel that if we understand them so well, it is because we have already solved that problem many times and therefore, we are the best option for them.

Example of another sliding testimonial section with two rows:

Ejemplo de otra sección de testimonios deslizante con dos filas

7. Always betting on truthfulness

Here we are not trying to lie, we just want the testimonials to be useful and to expose our part of the company that we want to differentiate with the rest, but never lie.Example of modern testimonials:

Ejemplo de testimonios moderno

3. What do we do if we still have no testimonials?

The best way in that case, instead of lying, is to show what we can do, show 10-15 projects or services we have done for fictitious clients by adding titles like: “How I would do the Coca-Cola website”. If our service allows us, a YouTube video greatly enhances the way you express what you do, as they will not only see what you have done, but your tonality, confidence and so on, so what are you waiting for to jump into your first projects?

Example of how to add our projects on our website:

Ejemplo de cómo añadir nuestros proyectos en nuestra página web

4. How do I create testimonials for my website with Webflow?

There are numerous ways to get the comments and testimonials to show up, so you can even show dropdowns or allow the user to see more if they choose to. We can get templates on the Relume website or also search the Webflow Marketplace for examples that are cloneable and clone them on our page.

Another way to add them, or even in conjunction with the previous one, is to develop a CMS with testimonials and filter each one to each service, being able to add them in a much easier and centralized way.

Example of Web using testimonials in Webflow CMS:

Ejemplo de Web utilizando testimonios en Webflow CMS

To do that, we will make a CMS with testimonials and add the “Service” field to it. On the service page, we will make a filter inside the section that is that it will show only the testimonials if the “Services” tag is X.

To see how to make a CMS collection, check out  this post

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